Colombia is the fifth largest country in Latin America with a stable democracy and is one of the most business friendly countries. Since 2002, Colombia has focused on economic expansion, social stability, peace, increased government transparency, social welfare programs and violence prevention. These advancements and priorities are the markers of modern day Colombia and the country has enjoyed more than a decade of consistent economic growth due to the democratic security policy.
Cisneros is 80 km northeast from Medellin, some two hours by paved road and close to infrastructure including high voltage power lines. The property hosts a structurally controlled mesothermal lode gold system. Drilling began in October 2009 and to date the company has drilled over 45,000 metres as it worked to produce an initial mineral resource estimate in August 2013 and updated mineral resource estimate and Preliminary Economic Assessement in 2018 that focused on the Guayabito and Guaico deposits.